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Red - Until We Have Faces (CD) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

가수/저자 Red
출시일 20120213
판매가 22,000원
할인가 19,600원 (11% 할인)
포인트 190점

선택된 옵션

  • Red - Until We Have Faces (CD)


등록된 상품이 없습니다.

이 상품과 함께 구매한 상품

  • God's Not Dead
  • Move
  • Come to the Well
  • Raising Up The Dead

상품 정보

상품 기본설명


Feed The Machine 5:11

Faceless 3:24

Lie To Me (Denial) 4:15

Let It Burn 4:58

Buried Beneath 3:47

Not Alone 4:08

Watch You Crawl 3:43

The Outside 3:14

Who We Are 3:54

Best Is Yet To Come 4:05

Hymn For The Missing 5:48

상품 상세설명


Essential Records' two time GRAMMY-nominated hard rock outfit RED packs a potent sonic punch on its third project, Until We Have Faces, a record that leaps out of the speakers with a ferocity and complexity reflecting the band's growth and intensity.

From the opening seconds of "Feed The Machine" through the final, contemplative moments of "Hymn For The Missing," the four-man unit of vocalist Michael Barnes, guitarist Anthony Armstrong, bassist Randy Armstrong and drummer Joe Rickard shows both maturity and abandon can coexist within the various dimensions of rock RED inhabits.

The new album's overarching theme is a search for true identity, inspired by a number of sources, including author C.S. Lewis' book of similar title, Till We Have Faces. The band itself is working through its own new identity - as a four-piece with the addition of drummer Rickard.

Until We Have Faces takes listeners down the path of recognizing the hollowness of life until finding their true identity (revealed on "Faceless"), the idea of creative destruction unveiled in the midst of new life (found on "Let It Burn"), and simultaneously presenting the positive energy found even "in a world so cold" (explored on the infectious, melodic ballad "Not Alone").

Paired again with award-winning producer Rob Graves, Until We Have Faces features RED in its most musically intense place to date - "a combination of our first two records, but on steroids," Michael Barnes notes - daring both RED and its fans to catapult into new rock territories.

RED will push those boundaries, bringing its creative energy and high-octane live presence to next year's Winter Jam tour, spanning nearly four dozen dates from January 7, 2011 in Chattanooga, Tenn. to the tour wrap-up April 3 in Peoria, Ill. The band's first single, "Faceless" goes for adds at CHR and Christian Rock formats on Dec. 31, continuing RED's powerful presence at radio, which has featured nine consecutive singles vaulting to No. 1 on the Christian Rock chart.



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  1. 구매 금액 3만원 초과 무료배송, 3만원 이하는 배송비 2,900원이 부과됩니다.
  2. 배송기간은 택배 발송 후 보통 2-3일(영업일 기준)정도 소요되며, 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가 금액을 지불하셔야 됩니다. 단, 상품의 종류와 배송지, 택배사 사정에 따라 배송 시간은 다소 지연될 수 있습니다.
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  4. 묶음배송은 수취인명, 배송지, 주문시간 동일 시 자동 묶음 배송됩니다.
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  1. 제품 수령 후 7일 이내 교환, 반품 가능합니다.
  2. 상품불량 및 오배송 등의 이유로 반품, 교환하실 경우 반품 배송비는 무료입니다.
  3. 단순 변심 및 고객님의 사정으로 반품, 교환하실 경우 반송비(교환이 경우 왕복 배송비)는 고객 부담입니다.


  • Matt Redman
  • Ron Kenoly
  • Kari Jobe
  • Ken Reynolds
  • Martin Smith
  • Darlene Zshech
  • Motown Gospel
  • Avalon



오늘 본 상품

  • Red - Until We Have Faces (CD)
    Red - Unti
  • Jaimee Paul - Christmas Time Is Here (CD)
    Jaimee Pau
    Jaimee Pau


쇼핑몰 검색



회사명. (주)인피니스 주소. 서울특별시 서대문구 충정로 23 풍산빌딩 12층
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